We are listed in TOP-50 law companies in Russia
We work since 1998
Saint Petersburg
Office in Moscow

117218, Moscow, Krzhizhanovskogo st., 14, building 3, 3rd floor (2 minutes walk from Profsoyuznaya metro station)

We work from Monday through Friday from 9-00 till 18-00. Saturday and Sunday are days-off.

+7 (495) 150-50-45

By metro: Profsoyuznaya metro station (exit to Krzhizhanovskogo st, last train car from the center). Then exit (EXIT №7) from the glass doors to the right, then turn to the left. Exiting near “Shokoladnitsa” café go towards Krzhizhanovskogo st. for about 3-5 minutes. Turn right in front of “Moscow center for elderly people” towards the greyish-red building (Business center “Ferro-Plaza”). Enter the central door. Show your passport or driving license to the receptionist. 3rd floor, office 356.

By car, driving from Moscow region: riding down the Profsoyuznaya st. turn to the right to the direction of «Moscow center for elderly people» pointer. Right after turning there is our Business center “Ferro-Plaza”.  – a greyish-red building. Parking is on the left side. To get to the territory dial our contact number +7 (495) 150-50-45 and ask to open the auto barrier, naming the color and the model of your car.

By car, driving from the center: riding down the Profsoyuznaya st. cross Krzhizhanovskogo st., turn around near the pointer “Sharp turn” (change the driving direction towards the center) and turn to the right after turning around towards the pointer “Moscow center for elderly people”. Just after turning there is our Business center “Ferro-Plaza”.  – a greyish-red building. Parking is on the left side. To get to the territory dial our contact number +7 (495) 150-50-45 and ask to open the auto barrier, naming the color and the model of your car.
Office in Saint Petersburg

196105(postal code), Saint-Petersburg, Warshavskaya str., 6, building 2, 1st floor (near “Elektrosila” metro station)

We work from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. (9-00) to 6 p.m.(18-00), Saturday and Sunday are days-off.

+7 (812) 603-45-25

By metro: the office is 3 minutes from the metro station Electrosila. Turn left from the metro and walk towards the Moskovsky Kvartal residential complex for about 1 minute. Turn right and drive straight along the sidewalk for about 2 minutes. Then through the nearest gate. Go straight to the turn (landmark 4th front). Turn left. There is a separate entrance to the office of the CPO group on the 1st floor.

By car: access to the territory of the Moskovsky Kvartal residential complex from Varshavskaya Street is carried out through gate No. 1. At the entrance to the gate, call +79643438396 (Vladislava).

You can also park your car in the parking lot of the Elektra shopping center (the first 2 hours are free). Then walk to the office in 2 minutes.